Community Spaces bite-sized training (October 2024)
This session included short presentations tailored for community spaces on Marketing, Policies and Budgeting. Here are the recordings, plus loads of free templates and resources.
This is a course in the community spaces series
This looks at the "big five" policies that most organisations need to have. Starting with an organisational risk assessment, the session covered why GDPR, safeguarding, health & safety and financial systems are "must haves" - and how to ensure that the work you do on these is proportionate to the risk.
Marketing for Village Halls & community spaces
This one talks about ways of promoting and publicising what you do depending on who you are trying to attract. It covers methods of increasing footfall, publicising events further afield and reaching out to supporters and potential volunteers.
Managing a tight budget in difficult circumstances
This presentation pulls together ideas for helping to make the budget balance, including:
VIDEO: The "must have" policies
SLIDES: The "must have" polices
MODEL: Risk analysis with common risks
ACRE information sheet: Equality in village halls
ACRE information sheet: Safeguarding
TEMPLATE: Safeguarding adults at risk policy
TEMPLATE: Safeguarding CYP policy
ACRE information sheet: Health & safety legislation
TEMPLATE: Health & safety policy
ACRE information sheet: Data protection - a preliminary guide
VIDEO: Marketing for community spaces
SLIDES: Marketing for community spaces
ACRE information sheet: Marketing your village hall
VIDEO: Managing a tight budget
SLIDES: Managing a tight budget
ACRE information sheet: Roles & responsibilities of trustees
Top Tip: Improving diversity
Top Tip: Managing who talks to the media
These courses follow on from this one:
All of our courses and other resources, Policies, procedures, risk and quality assurance, Village Halls & community spaces, Free courses and resources
This session looked at what procedures are needed to ensure that service-users, volunteers and staff are kept safe. It covered what abuse is and what safeguarding is in practical terms.
All of our courses and other resources, Policies, procedures, risk and quality assurance, Supporting your people, Introductory
All of our courses and other resources, Marketing & Communications, Introductory
All of our courses and other resources, Financial systems, Introductory
DCA is committed to producing as much affordable training as we can. While some of the courses are charged-for, we offer subscription options to ensure that they are affordable (as above). Our courses still remain some of the best value in the industry.
We will offer money-off vouchers and special offers every month, so do look out for Academy news and promotions in our e-newsletters and at networking events. Sponsored courses will be free of charge.
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