What does mentoring involve?

Senior management in the voluntary sector is not for the faint-hearted. As well as the job of keeping everything on track and answering to the Board,, you are constantly fire-fighting. It can be difficult to see your way through the challenges.

What about taking a breath. Taking a look at what's going on, from outside, with the help of an unbiased observer.

What is mentoring?

Mentoring is a two-way learning relationship in which a mentor and mentee agree to a partnership, where they work collaboratively. Together, they define specific goals and then work towards these over a series of sessions.

What will I get out of it?

The outcome of this process will mean that the challenge you brought  has been re-focussed and dissected. We will develop your skills, abilities and knowledge, so that you feel more confident and on top of things.

What does a mentor do?

A mentor will encourage and support a mentee to make the most of their themselves and their role. Your mentor will offer: 

  • A sounding board 

  • A new perspective 

  • Their own knowledge and experience 

  • A non-judgmental approach 

    Constructive feedback 

    Honesty and openness

    Signposting and resources

How can we help?

DCA's mentoring offer is aimed at senior managers or board members in the non-profit sector. Our mentors have direct experience of what you're going through and understand the context you are working within. We can offer that space to discuss the issues and an experienced person to help with suggestions and signposting.

For more information or to make a booking, please contact Caro Hart at [email protected]



Community Training Consultant

Caro Hart

Caro is an experienced third-sector trainer, manager and Trustee. She has been working with DCA since May 2021. Caro has been involved in VCSE organisations from grass-roots groups to large international charities - and has run her own social enterprise. She has been a trainer, mentor and coach for most of that time. Her specialisms are planning and governance, although she can turn her hand to anything. She has lead on the development of the Academy. For more information, please see her Linkedin profile at https://www.linkedin.com/in/carohartmbafrsa/

Operations Manager

Paula Bennetts

Subscription options

Manage your organisation's training costs with affordable subscriptions for small, medium and large organisations. Alternatively take out subscription for one person. Both cover more than 80 courses.

Charging policy

DCA is committed to producing as much affordable training as we can.  While some of the courses are charged-for, we offer subscription options to ensure that they are affordable (as above).  Our courses still remain some of the best value in the industry.

We will offer money-off  vouchers and special offers every month, so do look out for Academy news and promotions in our e-newsletters and at networking events.  Sponsored courses will be free of charge. 

You will receive a receipt upon purchasing this course, so don't forget to claim the course fee back from your organisation if you are able to do so. 

We are a registered charity and our number is 1060910. You can donate towards our work here. Your support is appreciated.