Highlights from the programme

  • 09:30 Arrival, coffee, talk to exhibitors

  • 10:00 Welcome from the Chair of Trustees of the D'Urberville Centre and opening address from Fiona Thomas, Dorset Council

  • 10:20 Effective funding applications followed by a talk on covering "core" costs

  • 11:05 The Voluntary and Community Sector Assembly Speaker Paula Bennetts, Programme Director, Dorset VCSA

  • 11:20 Involving the people you need; recruiting volunteers by Vicky Hall from Volunteer Centre Dorset

  • 11:45 Food inequality and how we can tackle it with speakers including Emily Brown, Dorset Council & the Friendly Food Club

  • 12:30 Networking lunch and a chance to talk to the exhibitors. Bring sandwiches. There will be soup, coffee and tea available for a small fee.

  • 13:15 Doing things differently - talks on micro-enterprises, community businesses and using the natural environment for community benefits, Speakers include Tim Crabtree & Jamie Oakey, Wessex Community Assets

  • 14:15 Successful warm spaces - research report by Julie Johns DCA

  • 14:15 Workshop: You can't measure smiles by Caro Hart, DCA


This conference will include talks, workshops and discussions on topics that help you to ensure that your community space is popular, well-funded and generally buzzing! We will also look at how you can support your community in ways traditional and new.

1) Welcome from Steve Smith & Sue Kerr the D'Urberville Centre

2) Opening address from Fiona Thomas, Communities Team Leader, Communities and Partnerships, Dorset Council

3) Effective funding applications

  • Amy Houghton from the Sovereign network group will talk about their grants programme, including the commercial support fund aimed at helping organisations that are trading and interested in developing this element of their income generation.
  • Ellie Macguire from the Dorset Community Fund will tell us about the Wessex Water Environment Fund (opens in April), which will fund projects around the environment – e.g. improving biodiversity, reducing use of water, litter picking etc.
  • Tim Crabtree from Wessex Community Assets will talk about alternative ways of raising money.

4) Getting the right funding mix to cover your core costs 

It can be hard to cover the basic costs. There's money for projects with specific aims, but what about keeping the lights on and the insurance paid? This talk will suggest five ways you can do this important balancing act! Caro Hart has key tips.

5) The Voluntary and Community Sector Assembly 

Paula Bennetts, Programme Director, Dorset VCSA will talk about the value of networking and collective strategic planning.

6) Involving people from the local community

Speaker Vicky Hall from Volunteer Centre Dorset will explore how to recruit the people that you need as trustees and helpers for your community space

7) Food inequality and how community spaces can help to tackle it

Emily Brown, Dorset Council, Community Engagement Project Officer Lydia Harvey on Seed-to-Plate will look at what food inequality is and how it can be tackled. , With guest speakers from The Friendly Food Club

8) Doing things differently  

These days, even community spaces which have been run on traditional lines have opportunities to do interesting new things and support their communities in new ways. Our speakers will talk about community gardens, creating a micro-business and much more.

Tim Crabtree, Director, Wessex Community Asset will give a talk on community-owned enterprises that create a triple bottom line for communities.

- Lydia Harvey will talk about community gardening schemes and the DCA Green Team.

- Speaker Jacqui Cuff is an expert on supporting small communities to consider the options for creating small amounts of social housing in an area. She was involved in the creation of a Community land Trust in her own village and will talk about the benefits it brought.

9) Warm spaces initiatives and how to run one successfully

Being able to provide a welcoming, warm, sociable place, especially for people hit by rising prices or who are isolated, is one of the strengths of a community space. Here are some examples of schemes and an analysis of the ways to make a warm space a success. Speaker Julie Johns, DCA

10) You can't measure smiles

Half the battle of getting funding is being able to show the difference you make in your community. Speaker Caro Hart, DCA

Plus, insurance advice from Norris and Fisher, supporting people hit by the cost-of-living from the Big Energy Project and much more!

Registration closes at noon on 18th March 2025

Click the blue button to sign in and reserve your place

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Community spaces programme

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