
  • 1

    Presentation 7th December 2023

    • Presentation - video

    • Presentation - Slide pack

    • Hallmark sign-up sheet

  • 2

    Networking and peer support meetings

    • Recording of Volunteer Visitors briefing 24th April 2024

    • Networking Meeting

    • Networking meeting 4th September

    • Networking Meeting 9th October

Village Halls Project

Free services for village halls and community buildings

This project will help Village Halls in two ways:

1) Offering business development support to Village Halls, especially where they are still suffering the effects of the pandemic, for instance with reduced footfall or lack of trustees.

2) Assessment for the award to the ACRE Hallmark.To this we are adding a package of support to work on any gaps. The Hallmark process reviews how you are doing and you can apply in one or more of three areas:

  • Hallmark 1 focuses on management and administration
  • Hallmark 2 looks at health, safety, security and licences
  • Hallmark 3 covers stakeholders, marketing and being at the centre of the community as well as going into more detail in the other areas (you will usually have completed Hallmarks 1 and 2 before doing this one).

We are currently running a pilot for the Hallmark and the attached presentation explains about this. Village Halls should sign up by 31st January 2024 for this first round, but you can sign up at any time to be included in later assessment rounds, using the form included.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected] or come along to one of the networking meetings.